What to Expect from Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

A child’s first dental visit can be daunting for both the child and parent. Fortunately, a bit of education can help quell any fear or confusion. In particular, knowing when to make your child’s first appointment and what to expect will allow you to prepare for a successful first visit. In general, you should schedule your child’s initial appointment when their first tooth erupts or once they reach 12 months of age (whichever comes first). Here’s what you can do to get ready when the time comes.

Preparing for the First Visit

To promote a hassle-free visit, be sure to first search for the best pediatric dentist Edmonton has to offer. The practice should have a strong reputation, provide a flexible appointment schedule, and offer oral care specifically suited to young patients.

Next, collect information about your child’s dental habits. The dentist will need this information to properly assess the baby’s oral health. For instance, they may ask about:

·         Feeding practices

·         Teething stages

·         Finger sucking habits

·         Pacifier habits

·         Oral hygiene practices

Having this information allows your dentist to provide accurate care and advice on healthy habits.

Additionally, to make this visit as smooth as possible, provide the dentist with any important information about your child’s temperament (if they’re scared by loud noises, for instance). For maximum alertness and cooperation, schedule a morning appointment. Moreover, make sure you remain calm and alert during the exam. Children can often sense tension, which may cause them to become uneasy as well. Finally, bring your child’s favourite toy or another calming agent to keep them relaxed during the visit.

What to Expect from the First Visit

Preliminary dental visits for children serve as an introduction to oral care. These appointments are generally helpful for getting little ones to feel comfortable in a dentist’s office. However, the first appointment will also include an examination of the oral tissue, teeth, gums, bite, and jaw. This will allow the dentist to determine a baseline against which your child’s oral development will be monitored. In addition, children over the age of one may receive a gentle cleaning to remove tartar and plaque. Older children may also be taught proper brushing and flossing techniques. Lastly, during this first appointment, your dentist may provide tips on how to care for your baby’s teeth and how to introduce them to an oral hygiene routine.

To book an appointment for your child, please contact us.