A Complete Guide to Dental Implants

Dental implants are a long-term solution to permanent tooth loss or damage. Whether from decay, injury, or another cause, many patients experience dental issues which can be remedied through this innovative restoration. Discover what implants entail to determine whether they could be right for you below.

How They Work

Implants consist of artificial tooth roots which serve as bases for replacement teeth. These fixed bases are made from medical-grade titanium and are custom-fit and affixed to the jaw. Over time, they fuse with the bone cells of the jaw to prevent slippage and provide a permanent base for replacement teeth. Thus, unlike dentures, dental implants won’t shift. Their permanence, natural feel, and functionality have made them the most popular option for tooth replacement.

Parts of Dental Implants

Dental implants feature three parts: the crown, the implant, and the abutment. Crowns are the prosthetics which look and function like natural teeth, and can be made of porcelain or zirconium. Implants are titanium screws that are attached to the jaw and serve as bases or roots for crowns. Abutments are removable connectors that permanently hold and support replacement teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

Different types of implants are available depending on the number and location of teeth being replaced. Implants are available in multiple teeth, full mouth, and single tooth sets. Here’s a brief overview of each type.

Multiple-Teeth Replacements – If you’re missing multiple teeth but still have some healthy teeth and gums, the multi-teeth replacement is best for you. In this procedure, fixtures are implanted and crowns are attached. Your natural teeth remain intact. In some cases, however, it may be simpler or necessary to perform a full mouth or arch replacement.

Full Mouth Replacements – When a full set of upper or lower teeth are missing or irreparably damaged, they must be replaced with full mouth implants. This procedure involves placing four implants into the mouth then attaching a full arch of teeth.  

Single-Tooth Replacements – Single-tooth implants are designed to replace a single missing tooth. These implants are often used when an adult tooth is knocked out or lost from decay or disease.

For the right choice in dental implants, Edmonton and area residents can turn to Bennett Dental. Our team of professionals will determine which type is best for you and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today.